The JFJ Conspiracy Podcast
Looks like The Somewhere in Dreamworld Podcast isn’t the only podcast talking about Midnight Notion…
Episode 13: Dreams That Kill
What happens when a shadow man with a gun corners you in the garage, or when aliens attack humans for being who they are? You think about Mario and Zelda, that’s what.
Episode 12: Death & Cryonics
An anonymous listener experiences recurring dreams featuring their deceased dad, which spawns a conversation about mortality and, naturally…cryonics. It makes sense if you don’t think about it too hard.
Episode 11: Only A Heartache
The podcast about all things dreams has returned! With new episodes on the 12th of each month, this episode wakes from its long slumber with all kinds of dreams coming true! PLUS! New songs from the new record!
Midnight Notion is Coming to Town!
Mark your calendars! On December 8th, Midnight Notion returns to the stage, but this time…WITH A FULL BAND!
Studio Update
It’s been so long since we last talked about dreams, so here’s an update on my next-record dream: things are behind schedule, but for the better!
Midnight Notion – Now on Bandcamp!
I realized today that there are several bands I listen to on bandcamp, but I’ve never taken the time to make a bandcamp of my own…until now!
Vocal Recording – Day 3
Sometimes you record harmonies for a song on your new record, and sometimes you turn into an alien robot. Just another day in Dreamworld…
Midnight Notion Play-Along Tabs!
I’ve been using tablature to learn how to play my favorite songs since I was 14. Now you can use tablature to learn how to play your favorite Midnight Notion songs!
Vocal Recording – Day 2
When you’ve been singing a song the same way for 12 years, changing the words isn’t exactly easy.
Vocal Recording – Day 1
After several months of setbacks and a handful of technical difficulties, I’ve finally had my first vocal recording session for Somewhere in Dreamworld, and now I can’t talk anymore.
Oncoming Productions Ruins Christmas
It’s the holiday season! Snow is on the ground, houses are decorated with lights, cupboards are fully stocked with hot cocoa, and Krampus is right around the corner, ready to murder you!