Pyramid – Jan Hammer Cover
After several months of contemplating whether or not I should participate in the Theme Music Facebook Group’s bi-weekly cover song challenge, I’ve finally decided to do it! But my first attempt is a rather un-conventional cover song…
Lost Footage Revived!
Every now and then, I stumble upon a project that was started yet never finished. Sometimes—if they’re entertaining enough—I share them in their raw, unfinished form. Not this time! I recently rediscovered a music video spoof project from 2011 that was so funny, I had to finish it and put it up for your viewing pleasure!
2 Hours of Blink-182 Covers
A couple of weeks ago, to prepare myself for the big Metallica concert at US Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, I decided to play every Metallica riff I could remember, live on Facebook. This week, Blink-182 is coming to town, and it turns out that I know how to play a lot of their songs!
“Beat It” Cover Duet
There is an online collective of musicians called Theme Music where the members are challenged to upload a video cover song based on a bi-weekly theme. The most recent theme was songs where the title references something about (non-military) fighting—things like kick, punch, etc. Guess who was asked to participate!
“I Feel Bad For You” (NES Version)
Sometimes you just have to find out what your songs would sound like on the Nintendo Entertainment System…
New Original Song!
April fools! I haven’t recorded any original material in a while. Here’s a cover song instead…
The Best Album in the World
A good friend of mine, Wells Farnham, has a podcast called “Best Album in the World”, where he invites someone into his home to talk about what they think is…well, the best album in the world. The title alone got me interested, and after listening to a few episodes, I decided that it was a question…
New Bass-Only Multi-Screen Video Cover!
Over the years, I’ve gotten into the habit of layering guitars in the recording process—sometimes one just isn’t enough, you know? The same goes with keys, pads, vocals, and even drums! But you know what the only thing is that I’ve never layered? Bass. So, if that’s going to be a thing now, why not…
Bucket List Item: Radio Airplay—CHECK!
When they told me they would feature my music on 93X’s Loud & Local, I was ecstatic, but hearing it LIVE on the radio—with a DJ intro and the station’s name afterward—was EXACTLY the way I had always dreamed it to sound! Even more, the audio mix wasn’t too bad on the air, either! Want…
Midnight Notion on the Radio!
Many years ago, Twin Cities radio station 93X (KXXR-FM) had a Sunday night program called Loud & Local, where they played local artists’ music. It was an attainable stepping-stone goal for many an independent rock musician—myself included—but when it went away, hope began to fade, and radio play felt like something only the majors could enjoy. Well, it’s back,…
LIVE SHOW! – Bryant Lake Bowl Theater – JUNE 13!
I haven’t set foot on a stage as Midnight Notion in almost a full year! Wow! Time really flies by! Whelp, I finally gave in and decided to come back, but this is no ordinary show…
Somewhere in Dreamworld – THE ENTIRE ALBUM!?
Almost 9 years later, could Somewhere in Dreamworld FINALLY be finished!? Well, no… But you can hear the scratch demo online for free! Check it out!