Brand New, Not-Even-Close-To-Finished Song—Listen Now!
It’s been a long time since I’ve written a new lyric. It’s been a long time since I’ve written a new riff! As a matter of fact, it feels like I haven’t written anything new since before the March to Midnight EP, which was almost two years ago! So I decided to crank one out for you!
How ‘Bout A Never-Before-Heard Song?
That’s right, dreamers! I’ve got a brand new song for you to hear. Well, new for you, anyway…
Last-Minute Green Day Tribute Show!
I’ve been asked to fill in on drums for the very first “Green Day Day”, TONIGHT, at The Garage in Burnsville, MN! Extremely last-minute, I know, but it should be a blast!
March to Midnight Merch?
We’re coming up on the one year anniversary of March to Midnight, and I’ve been thinking about ways to celebrate it. I don’t have a band, so a big anniversary show is out of the question… AHA! I’ve got it! How about some Midnight Notion merchandise!?
A Different Kind of Show
Next week, I’ll be performing on stage, but not as Midnight Notion. Actually, it’s not even a musical performance, either. I’ve been cast as Edward Angkatell in Woodbury Community Theater’s upcoming production of Agatha Christie’s The Hollow, and I’m excited to be back on the stage in a different kind of show!
The Mario 64 Medley: STILL Fun to Play!
Almost 2 years ago, my drums were set up for the recording of what would eventually be the March to Midnight EP, but I was having a lot of troubles staying motivated. Life kept interfering with my creativity, so I needed to take a break from the project and find other ways to occupy my time. One of those ways just happened to be figuring out how to play the Main Theme from Super Mario 64.
Holy Lyrics, Batman!
Have you ever thought to yourself, “Gee… I’d really like to know the lyrics to every single Midnight Notion song that has ever been released, and some that aren’t out yet, but have still been performed live a couple of times”? Have you ever wished that when you clicked on a song title, it would bring you straight to that song’s own, individual page?
Discography and All Songs
Just a couple little additions today: the Music page now has a Discography section with tracklists and album artwork for each release. If you hover over “Music” in the main navigation […]
Wow! Look at this perrrrty lookin’ website! Ain’t it special!? I don’t think MidnightNotion.com has ever been this attractive! Of course, there is plenty more to be added, but I…
The Mario Medley is Live!
Here we go! After about a month of toying around with it, the Mario 64 Medley is now streaming on YouTube for your viewing pleasure! Check it out!
Let the Acoustic Shows Begin!
That’s right, you read it here first! Well, maybe you saw it on Facebook or Reverb Nation first, but this news entry is only available RIGHT HERE! Anywho, it is…
Somewhere in Dreamworld and The Band Quest Begins
Yesterday morning, I uploaded “Somewhere in Dreamworld” a bit prematurely, but I’m going to move forward anyway. Most of you know that I struggle with mixing, due to my obsessive…