Episode 20: Werewolves, Clocks, and Carjackers
Do you find yourself skulking through alleyways to hide your lycanthropic secrets from the government? Can you read clocks in your dreams, and wake up at the same exact time? Have you ever wondered if you should call the police on a polite carjacker? Whether yes or no, this episode is for you!
Episode 16: What is Lucidity?
Bryce breaks his 30-minute episode rule for a long chat with avid lucid dreamer M.A. X. Power-Tree. References ensue.
Episode 15: Haunting of the Sad Face Woman
In what might be a contender for the longest dream of all time, Bryce embarks on a Zelda side quest, while someone mysterious is following behind him…
Episode 14: Sleep Talk Demo Tapes
Sure, you could practice your Scottish accents and dramatic monologues while you’re awake, but isn’t it just a little bit more interesting while you sleep?
Episode 13: Dreams That Kill
What happens when a shadow man with a gun corners you in the garage, or when aliens attack humans for being who they are? You think about Mario and Zelda, that’s what.
Episode 12: Death & Cryonics
An anonymous listener experiences recurring dreams featuring their deceased dad, which spawns a conversation about mortality and, naturally…cryonics. It makes sense if you don’t think about it too hard.
Episode 11: Only A Heartache
The podcast about all things dreams has returned! With new episodes on the 12th of each month, this episode wakes from its long slumber with all kinds of dreams coming true! PLUS! New songs from the new record!
Studio Update
It’s been so long since we last talked about dreams, so here’s an update on my next-record dream: things are behind schedule, but for the better!