A Far Fall Away From All

Album Notes

This instrumental was named by Blake Rutt in a Facebook poll that ran from March 2013–September 2013. Up against 4 other fan-suggested titles, “A Far Fall Away From All” won the majority vote. The following people were wonderful enough to participate, and voted for the winner:

Carole Crawford, Brian Tollefson, Zach McComas, Tristyn Hanson, Brian Eff, Shawn Berndt, Allyson Bliss, KayLynne Stuelke, Samantha Larson, Kish Yang, and Dylan Randolph. Thank you all for participating! Without you, this song would still be called “Piano Instrumental,” haha! And, of course, a special thanks goes out to Blake, for coming up with the fan-favorite title! You rock!

℗© 2013 Midnight Notion


This song was written by accident while trying to compose a piano part for the verses of “Turning Point (Fire in Your Eyes)“.


Behind the Scenes: “A Far Fall Away From All”

Other Songs

  1. March to Midnight
  2. I Feel Bad For You
  3. Poisonous Love
  4. Turning Point (Fire in Your Eyes)
  5. A Far Fall Away From All
  6. My Little Demon*
  7. It’s Over