Oncoming Productions Ruins Christmas
It’s the holiday season! Snow is on the ground, houses are decorated with lights, cupboards are fully stocked with hot cocoa, and Krampus is right around the corner, ready to murder you! GASP!
After two stage productions in the horror genre with the same group of people (The Deep Dark at the 2015 Twin Cities Horror Festival, and The Last Bombardment at the 2017 Minnesota Fringe Festival), we decided to turn our craft into a company called Oncoming Productions. Our goal is to create original stage productions that veer into the unsettling world of psychological thrillers and fantastical horror.
My role for the last two productions was as sound designer and stage manager, but this weekend, I find myself with several speaking roles! We will be telling holiday-themed horror stories in a more laid-back production, but there will be some sound effects, and even some live music by Erik Ostrom (whom you’ll remember from our Theme Music duet of “Beat It” by Michael Jackson).
One of the stories is a script by yours truly, based on the true story of The Rouse Simmons, a.k.a., The Christmas Tree Ship. I’m really proud of how it turned out, so I’m excited to share it with all of you!
Check out the show at Strike Theater in Minneapolis: Friday, December 15th at 9:30 pm, and Saturday, December 16th at 9:30 pm. Tickets are $10, but for only $15, you can see the double-feature of Oncoming Productions Ruins Christmas, AND the hilarious sketch comedy show before us, North Pole 1973.
Buy tickets for the double-feature here.
For more information, check out the Facebook event page for Oncoming Productions Ruins Christmas.